วันพุธที่ 22 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

The excellent Laptop That Fits All of Your Needs, Isn't That What We All Want?

First, I should elucidate my interests. I like too watch movies and I prefer watching in Hi-Definition. I like listening too music whether downloading or just streaming over the internet doesn't surely matter. Playing computer games like Crysis and Call of Duty are things I like too do.

The perfect laptop for me would have too be able too do the things my desktop can do but be portable. My desktop has a quad core processor and 8Gb of Ram with a Ati Radeon graphics card in it. The idea of a laptop that can do all my desktop can do seems like a dream.

Laptop Graphics Card

The truth is a laptop that can do what I want it too be able too do is out there. surely probably many variations of that laptop but the thing now is too find one that doesn't cost more that double my desktop. I paid 99 for my desktop.

Finding laptops for gaming is easy but seeing one that is affordable is hard. I am not seeing for some kind of miracle price I know I will have too spend around 00 for it. The specs I'm used too are ready in laptops like the ones Alienware makes but too get a good configuration from them I have too spend over 00.

Laptops that have developed dual core processors are everywhere. seeing laptops that have a big hard drive is also just as plentiful nowadays. Getting a laptop with a Gpu that isn't total crap is relatively easy too. Fast Ram in laptops is also practically becoming the norm with most entertainment and gaming laptops. Now seeing a combination of all those thing in one laptop and the laptop not costing over 00 is hard.

There are any way laptops with quad core processors and huge hi-def screens and blu-ray. The only thing you have too give up is weight and there goes the portability factor. With some laptops weighing 14 pounds its a hassle too lug them around. The other thing you lose is battery life so even if you don't mind carrying your gaming laptop too the coffee shop you still will lose with some batter lives only being 2 hours.

This whole report is basically an ode too all of those population who are out there right now seeing for the perfect laptop but find that they have too give up features for other features. It's pretty funny too get your dream laptop you have too cut-down on the whole of time you get too use it. Look at my websites reviews of laptops,

Friends Link : camera and frame printer ink toner http://bestlaptobrand.blogspot.com/

